Current spectrum of products of Eigner Messtechnik
EIGNER MESSTECHNIK - electronic design & engineering fastest contact: info[at]eigner-messtechnik[dot]de
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IEPE module
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 These product lines represent our current spectrum of products in series production.
 To receive our current price list please send an e-mail to: info[at]eigner-messtechnik[dot]de,
 subject: "Request price list".

 Very flexible
 adaptation of an
 to the
 - balanced or
 - unbalanced
 Quick help with the
 selection of our
 IEPE devices:
 IEPE device
 help form.pdf

Signal-IEPE-IN-OUT symm-unsymm
  Please note absolutely for all IEPE modules:
  If the IEPE input is overdriven, or when the power supply is applied or switched on, the module output exceeds
  (short-term) the nominal values up to the internal supply voltage of ±12 VDC.
  Example for overloading: Instead of 0 to +5 V the output may take the values -1 to +6 V.
  Therefore, make sure that your signal processing unit (ADC) can withstand these values without damage!

  NEW from Dec 2024: IPE-FM6 as required with signal output limiting according to the selected output range of the module.
 Important notes for ordering:
 1. Please be sure to observe the different power (voltage) supplies of the various modules.
 2. Please replace the placeholder letters "V", "O", "F", "P" when requesting prices or
     ordering modules with the desired values -
     e.g. replace "V" with "A" or "B", replace "O" with "4" or "8" etc.

 3 ways
 isolation amplifier
 without galvanic
 - balanced or
 - unbalanced output
 - Active Filters
 - 4 to 20 mA output
 as piggyback

  Single supply:
  9 to 36 VDC

 → IEPE modules
 Versatile IEPE / AC / DC module adaptable to different signal inputs on different signal outputs with
 IPE-ISO1: the galvanic isolation of signal input to signal output to power line,
 IPE-ISO1s: without the galvanic isolation of signal input to signal output, but to power line.
   - Wide input power supply 9 to 36 VDC, aprox. 2 W
   - 3 DC/DC converters to the internal voltage supply of:
      Signal input stage - IEPE excitation - Signal output stage
   - Constant current excitation for IEPE Sensors 2 - 4 - 6 - 8 mA @ 28 VDC
   - Input high-pass filter for decoupling the DC offset of the IEPE circuit
   - Input stage with amplification or attenuation to adapt the IEPE level to the user prefered ADC
   - Active filters: Pluggable low pass filter with Butterworth response 4th or 8th order
   - Pluggable current loop signal output for the conversion of the voltage output 0 to 10 V to the
      disturbance insensitive current output 4 to 20 mA (offset: 12 mA)
   - Status LEDs - input signal within the normal range (green) or input signal outside the range (red)
   - Avail. in 2 Versions: A = DIN rail mounting or B = Aluminium housing
 Order numbers - (Please quote this number when making price inquiries):
 Order numbers - Active Filters (Please name the desired cut-off Frequency):
   IPE-FM6.3_BU_4_F: Butterworth low pass 4th order
   IPE-FM6.3_BU_8_F: Butterworth low pass 8th order
   Possible cut-off frequencies depending on the filter order -please watch the documentation.
 Order numbers - Current Loop 4 to 20 mA (Please quote this number when making price inquiries):
 Product info: IPE-ISO1_info.pdf  [592 kByte  info sheet in 'EN']
 Broschüre: IPE-ISO1_man_de.pdf  [1735 kByte in 'DE']
 Brochure: IPE-ISO1_man_en.pdf  [1731 kByte in 'EN']
 No longer in our product range.
 signal conditioning
 OEM module
 - balanced output
 Active Filters
 on board

  Triple supply:
  +12 to +15 VDC  and
  -12 to -15 VDC  and
  +24 to +30 VDC

 → IEPE modules
 Please note:
 IPE-FM3 actually only
 makes sense if basic
 variants (G = 1, I_IEPE
 fixed) are  combined with
 Active Filters
 For basic variants without
 filters, IPE-FM4
 are recommended.
IEPE Signal Conditioning Amplifier - IPE-FM3
 The variants IPE-FM3.3 and
 IPE-FM3.8 are available with gain 1-2-4-8 instead of
 gain 1-2-5-10.
 IPE-FM3.5 to IPE-FM3.8 are no longer in production.
 Versatile DC / AC / IEPE signal conditioning plus Active Filters
   - Switchable IEPE excitation current: 2 - 4 - 6 - 8 or 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 [mA]
   - Fixed or switchable gain: 1 or 1 - 2 - 5 - 10 combined with 1 - 10 - 100
   - Active filters: 4th or 8th order Butterworth or Bessel low pass, 500 Hz to 20 kHz, Fcut-off as desired
   - Power supply ±12 to ±15 VDC plus 24 to 30 VDC
   - Avail. in 2 Versions of installation: A = suitable for front panel mounting or B = main board mounting
 Order numbers (Please quote this number when making price inquiries):
   IPE-FM3.1_V: Gain = 1, I_IEPE = 4 mA, no filters
   IPE-FM3.2_V: Gain = 1, I_IEPE selectable, no filters included
   IPE-FM3.3_V: new - Gain = 1-2-4-8, I_IEPE = 4 mA, no filters
   IPE-FM3.4_V: new - Gain = 1-2-4-8, I_IEPE selectable, no filters included
   IPE-FM3.5_V: no longer in our product range
   IPE-FM3.6_V: no longer in our product range
   IPE-FM3.7_V: no longer in our product range
   IPE-FM3.8_V: no longer in our product range
   IPE-FM3.X_V: Gain = new: user specified (within a certain range), I_IEPE = 4 mA, no filters
   IPE-FM3.9_BU_O: Active filters "Butterworth" fitted on board. IPE-FM3.9_4 - 4th order, _8 - 8th order
   IPE-FM3.9_BE_O: Active filters "Bessel" fitted on board. IPE-FM3.9_4 - 4th order, _8 - 8th order
 Product info: IPE-FM3_info.pdf  [397 kByte info sheet in 'EN']
 Broschüre: IPE-FM3_man_de.pdf  [3578 kByte in 'DE']
 Brochure: IPE-FM3_man_en.pdf  [3576 kByte in 'EN']
 Please note: IPE-FM3 actually only makes sense if basic variants (G = 1, I_IEPE fixed) are
 combined with Active Filters.
 For basic variants without filters, IPE-FM4 is recommended.
 signal conditioning
 OEM module
 - balanced or
 - unbalanced output

  Single supply:
  12 to 15 VDC
 → IEPE modules
IEPE signal conditioning module for front panel mounting
IEPE signal conditioning module for main board mounting
 Upgrade to IPE-FM1 with the functional extensions:
  - Input = Output range either ±10 V max. balanced to GND or
    - Output = 0 to +10 V with offset +5 V for unbalanced AD-converters 0 to 10 V
    - Output = 0 to +5 V with offset +2.5 V for unbalanced AD-converters 0 to 5 V
    - Output = 0 to +3.3 V with offset +1.65 V for unbalanced AD-converters 0 to 3.3 V
  - Input signal fault detection: open circuit or short to GND - indicated by ext. FAULT LED
    Please specify when ordering: Fault LED A = fault (red) or LED B = signal OK (green)
   - Avail. in 2 Versions of installation: A = suitable for front panel mounting or B = main board mounting
 Order numbers - Balanced Output (Please quote this number when making price inquiries):
   IPE-FM4.1-1_F_V: Input = Output (±10 V max.), DC Offset = 0 V
   IPE-FM4.1-2_F_V: Input = ±10 V, Output = ±5 V, DC Offset = 0 V
   IPE-FM4.1-3_F_V: Input = ±5 V, Output = ±10 V, DC Offset = 0 V
   IPE-FM4.1-4_F_V: Input = ±2 V, Output = ±10 V, DC Offset = 0 V
   IPE-FM4.1-5_F_V: Input = ±2 V, Output = ±5 V, DC Offset = 0 V
 Order numbers - Unbalanced Output (Please quote this number when making price inquiries):
   IPE-FM4.2-1_F_V: Input = ±10 V, Output = +10 V, DC Offset = +5 V
   IPE-FM4.2-2_F_V: Input = ±5 V, Output = +10 V, DC Offset = +5 V
   IPE-FM4.2-3_F_V: Input = ±10 V, Output = +5 V, DC Offset = +2.5 V
   IPE-FM4.2-4_F_V: Input = ±5 V, Output = +5 V, DC Offset = +2.5 V
   IPE-FM4.2-5_F_V: Input = ±10 V, Output = +3.3 V, DC Offset = +1.65 V
   IPE-FM4.2-6_F_V: Input = ±5 V, Output = +3.3 V, DC Offset = +1.65 V
 Product info: IPE-FM4_info.pdf  [382 kByte  info sheet in 'EN']
 Broschüre: IPE-FM4_man_de.pdf  [331 kByte in 'DE']
 Brochure: IPE-FM4_man_en.pdf  [331 kByte in 'EN']
 signal conditioning
 35 mm DIN RAIL
 - balanced output
 Active Filters
 on board

  Single supply:
  9 to 18 VDC  or
  18 to 36 VDC
 → IEPE modules
 NEW as of Oct 2022: → 
 IPE-DM5 also available in
 a slightly simpler version
 → IPE-DM5s
 The IEPE excitation and signal conditioning device IPE-DM5 is designed for installation in control
 cabinets with 35 mm DIN rail mounting.
   - Avail. in 2 Supply Power groups: 12 VDC (9 to 18) or 24 VDC (18 to 36)
   - Constant current excitation for IEPE Sensors 4 mA @ 30 VDC
   - Input high-pass filter for decoupling the DC offset of the IEPE circuit
   - Amplifier with switchable amplification 1 - 2 - 5 - 10 [V/V]
   - Active filters: 4th or 8th order Butterworth or Bessel low pass, 500 Hz to 20 kHz, Fcut-off as desired,
     with one or two switchable frequencies, plus bypass switch
   - Galvanic isolation of the measuring circuit from the 12 or 24 V control cabinet supply by means of
     electrically isolated DC / DC converters for IEPE and device supply
 Order numbers (Please quote this number when making price inquiries):
   IPE-DM5.1_P: Signal conditioning without filters. New - Gain 1-2-4-8 (instead of 1-2-5-10)
   IPE-DM5.2_P: Signal conditioning with one low-pass filter. New - Gain 1-2-4-8 (instead of 1-2-5-10)
   IPE-DM5.3_P: Signal conditioning with two low-pass filters. New - Gain 1-2-4-8 (instead of 1-2-5-10)
   IPE-DM5s.1.1/1.2_P: Signal conditioning without filters, Gain = 1 (1.1) or Gain = 2 (1.2)
   IPE-DM5s.2.1/2.2_P: Signal conditioning with one low pass filter, Gain = 1 (2.1) or Gain = 2 (2.2)
   IPE-DM5s.3.1/3.2_P: Signal conditioning with two low pass filters, Gain = 1 (3.1) or Gain = 2 (3.2)
 Product info: IPE-DM5_info.pdf  [316 kByte  info sheet in 'EN']
 Broschüre: IPE-DM5_man_de.pdf  [1096 kByte in 'DE']
 Brochure: IPE-DM5_man_en.pdf  [1095 kByte in 'EN']
 Product info: IPE-DM5s_info.pdf  [310 kByte  info sheet in 'EN']
 signal conditioning
 OEM module
 - balanced or
 - unbalanced output
 Active Filters
 as piggyback

  Single supply:
  12 to 15 VDC  or
  22 to 26 VDC
 → IEPE modules

NEW from Jan 2025:
As required with signal output limiting according to the selected output range of the module. Suffix: _SL
 Versatile IEPE module adaptable to different signal inputs on different signal outputs.
   NEW from Jan 2025:
   - As required with signal output limiting according to the selected output range of the module.

   - Single supply Power group: 12 VDC (12 to 15 VDC) or 24 VDC (22 to 26 VDC)
   - Charge pump converter (100 kHz) for generating the internal supply voltages
   - Constant current excitation for IEPE Sensors 4 mA @ 22 to 28 VDC
   - Input high-pass filter for decoupling the DC offset of the IEPE circuit
   - Input stage with amplification or attenuation to adapt the IEPE level to the user prefered ADC
   - Active filters: Pluggable low pass filter with Butterworth or Bessel response 4th or 8th order
   - Status LEDs - input signal within the normal range (green) or input signal outside the range (red)
   - Avail. in 2 Versions of installation: A = suitable for front panel mounting or B = main board mounting
   - Avail. also with or without Signal Limitation: N = without SL, Y = with SL
 Order numbers - Balanced Output (Please quote this number when making price inquiries):
   IPE-FM6.1-1_P_V: Input = Output = ±10 V, DC Offset = 0 V
   IPE-FM6.1-2_P_V_SL: Input = ±10 V, Output = ±5 V, DC Offset = 0 V → _SL: ±5.5 V
   IPE-FM6.1-3_P_V: Input = ±5 V, Output = ±10 V, DC Offset = 0 V
   IPE-FM6.1-4_P_V: Input = ±2 V, Output = ±10 V, DC Offset = 0 V
   IPE-FM6.1-5_P_V_SL: Input = ±2 V, Output = ±5 V, DC Offset = 0 V → _SL: ±5.5 V
   IPE-FM6.1-6_P_V: Input = ±1 V, Output = ±10 V, DC Offset = 0 V
 Order numbers - Unbalanced Output (Please quote this number when making price inquiries):
   IPE-FM6.2-1_P_V_SL: Input = ±10 V, Output = +10 V, DC Offset = +5 V → _SL: -0.5 V
   IPE-FM6.2-2_P_V_SL: Input = ±5 V, Output = +10 V, DC Offset = +5 V → _SL: -0.5 V
   IPE-FM6.2-3_P_V_SL: Input = ±10 V, Output = +5 V, DC Offset = +2.5 V → _SL: -0.5 / +5.5 V
   IPE-FM6.2-4_P_V_SL: Input = ±5 V, Output = +5 V, DC Offset = +2.5 V → _SL: -0.5 / +5.5 V
   IPE-FM6.2-5_P_V_SL: Input = ±10 V, Output = +3.3 V, DC Offset = +1.65 V → _SL: -0.5 / +3.5 V
   IPE-FM6.2-6_P_V_SL: Input = ±5 V, Output = +3.3 V, DC Offset = +1.65 V → _SL: -0.5 / +3.5 V
   IPE-FM6.2-7_P_V_SL: Input = ±2 V, Output = +3.3 V, DC Offset = +1.65 V → _SL: -0.5 / +3.5 V
   IPE-FM6.2-8_P_V_SL: Input = ±1 V, Output = +3.3 V, DC Offset = +1.65 V → _SL: -0.5 / +3.5 V
   IPE-FM6.12-x_P_V: Input = by request, Output = by request, DC Offset = by request
 Order numbers - Active Filters (Please name the desired cut-off Frequency):
   IPE-FM6.3_BU_4_F: Butterworth low pass 4th order
   IPE-FM6.3_BE_4_F: Bessel low pass 4th order
   IPE-FM6.3_BU_8_F: Butterworth low pass 8th order
   IPE-FM6.3_BE_8_F: Bessel low pass 8th order
 Product info: IPE-FM6_info.pdf  [530 kByte  info sheet in 'EN']
 Broschüre: IPE-FM6_man_de.pdf  [645 kByte in 'DE']
 Brochure: IPE-FM6_man_en.pdf  [643 kByte in 'EN']
 IEPE sensor
 simulation tool

 NEW from Oct 2024:
 As an alternative to the
 standard version -
Picture: IEPE Testing Tool - IEPE EMULATOR IV  IEPE EMULATOR IV facilitates the testing of amplifiers with IEPE inputs if there is no calibrated
 engine test bench (shaker) for IEPE transducers available.
 Special features: Battery powered, internal Sine Wave Generator 1024 Hz, bandwidth 0 to 50 kHz.
 Output ±5 V, IEPE const. currents 2 to 20 mA at 18 to 30 VDC.
 Product info: IEPE-EMULATOR-IV_info.pdf  [434 kByte info sheet in 'EN']
 Broschüre: IEPE-EMULATOR-IV_man_de.pdf  [859 kByte in 'DE']
 Brochure: IEPE-EMULATOR-IV_man_en.pdf  [859 kByte in 'EN']
 NEW from Oct 2024:
 As an alternative to the standard version -
 IEPE EMULATOR IV S - no internal sine wave generator, no internal battery supply.
 External signal feed, external power supply only. But reduced in price for this.
 Active Filters:
 module LHB 4-8

 → Active Filters
LHB 4-8 - Active Filter Module
 Active Filters LHB 4-8
 LHB 4-8 is a pluggable module 18*16 mm², but connector grid 2.0 mm)
 It is characterized by a large variability in the assembly:
 - low pass or high pass, 2nd, 4th, 6th or 8th order
 - high pass and low pass mixed as band pass filter (4th + 4th or 2nd + 6th order)
 - filter characteristics: Butterwort, Bessel or Chebyshev - as band pass also mixed possible:
   e.g. high pass with Bessel-, low pass with Butterworth-characteristic
 - realizable frequency ranges high pass (X7R-equipped): from 0.1 Hz (freq. values always -3 dB)
 - realizable frequency ranges low pass (COG-equipped): from 60 Hz (freq. values always -3 dB)
 Product info: LHB_4-8_info.pdf  [398 kByte info in 'EN']
 Active Filters:
 module AF08

 → Active Filters
AF08 - Active Filter Module
 Active Filters AF08
 AF08 is a pluggable module 22*48 mm², but connector grid 1/10 inch (2.54 mm)
 AF08 ist available in 2 designs:
   - A: single, fixed cut-off frequency filter
   - B: switchable cut-off frequencies (also with remote control TTL/CMOS level) in 2-3-4 steps
          with your preferred cut-off frequencies in the range of 50Hz to 50kHz.
 You can order AF08 with filter responses "Butterworth" or "Bessel" with cut-off frequencies of your
 Product info: AF08_info.pdf  [303 kByte info in 'EN']
 Broschüre: AF08_man_de.pdf  [3926 kByte in 'DE']
 Brochure: AF08_man_en.pdf  [3900 kByte in 'EN']
 More information on request: info[at]eigner-messtechnik[dot]de  Please specify in your enquiry mail the product you are interested in.
 To receive our current price list please send an e-mail to: info[at]eigner-messtechnik[dot]de, subject: "Request price list".
 Copyright © Eigner Messtechnik